Don’t ignore these signals during pregnancy, it is highly likely that the foetus is malnourished!

During pregnancy, one person eats, two people absorb, now living conditions are very good, according to common sense that there should be no malnutrition, but in fact, the foetus appeared malnutrition and over-nutrition phenomenon exists at the same time.
Therefore, in order to ensure the healthy development of the foetus, pregnant mothers need to pay attention to their own situation all the time. However, as many pregnant women are pregnant for the first time and lack experience, they may not be too sensitive to the changes in their bodies.
Therefore, it leads to some bad signals not being taken seriously by pregnant mothers, and only when the child is born do they find out that the nutrition is insufficient, which may have adverse effects on the child’s whole life.
01 Fetal Nutrition and Lifelong Health of Offspring
Current research results suggest that nutrition during the foetal period is closely related to subsequent health.
According to Mok Poh Keng’s research, most foetuses that develop normally in the mother’s womb have a normal birth weight .
Compared to low birth weight children, their immune function is stronger, the number of immune cells is significantly higher, they have a higher survival rate, their height growth is higher, and they are associated with longevity in adulthood.
Inadequate nutrition during the foetal period can lead to the development of many diseases. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the doctrine of foetal origin of adult diseases, whereby factors closely related to nutrition during pregnancy contribute to the susceptibility to these diseases.
The foetogenic hypothesis suggests that the foetus responds to intrauterine malnutrition by causing changes in its own metabolism and organ and tissue structure.
If malnutrition is not corrected in time, this leads to permanent changes in the metabolic functioning of the tissues and organs of the body, including the blood vessels, pancreas, liver and lungs, which in turn evolve into adult-onset diseases.
Improper nutrition of the foetus can cause cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, obesity, etc., in addition to lower birth weight.
It can be seen that the nutrition of the foetus in the mother’s body on the health of the organism is a full range of influences, reasonable diet and health care during pregnancy is related to the occurrence of chronic diseases and lifelong health of the offspring.
In fact, fetal malnutrition during pregnancy will provide some signals to the pregnant woman, if the pregnant mother has experience, can detect these signals in time, timely supplementation or medical treatment can be largely avoided on the offspring life-long impact.
In the end, the foetus will give the mother what signals, please follow the circle sister to learn.
02: Slow growth of uterine height in mid-pregnancy
In layman’s terms, the height of the uterus is the height of the mother’s uterus. During pregnancy, the height of the uterus follows the growth of the foetus, and the larger the foetus, the greater the height of the uterus.
Normally, the height of the uterus changes at regular intervals throughout the pregnancy.
If the mother finds that the IUH has not changed for more than two weeks, it is likely that the foetus is delayed in its development, and the mother has to deal with it in time.
According to a study by Huang Hui et al, 514 newborns and their mothers born in 1999 and 414 newborns and their mothers born in the same period of time in 2007 were compared in Tongling Maternal and Child Healthcare Hospital to observe the correlation between maternal uterine height, body weight, abdominal circumference and fetal malnutrition.
It was found that 41 cases of foetal malnutrition occurred in 1999, and the 20-week uterine height and 28-week uterine height of pregnant women in the foetal malnutrition group were significantly lower than those of pregnant women in the non-malnutrition group;
In 2007, 34 cases of foetal malnutrition occurred, and the 20-week uterine height, 28-week uterine height, 28-week weight and 36-week uterine height of pregnant women in the foetal malnutrition group were lower than those of pregnant women in the non-malnutrition group.
This shows that maternal physiological indicators during pregnancy, especially uterine height, are more sensitive indicators for diagnosing foetal malnutrition.
A number of unfavourable factors during maternal pregnancy are associated with the development of fetal malnutrition, including lack of prenatal checkups, early childbearing, primiparous delivery, maternal malnutrition, low social class, and comorbidities and complications during pregnancy.
Overseas reports suggest that proper evaluation of maternal physiological indicators in the mid-pregnancy period can predict intrauterine foetal development after 20 weeks.
Combined with cordocentesis, ultrasound, and placental status, intrauterine diagnosis can be made in the fourth to sixth month of pregnancy.
By improving the nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy, the nutritional status of the foetus can be improved and corrected, improving the quality of life of the newborn and the demographic quality of society as a whole.
03 Weight change is not obvious in mid to late pregnancy
After pregnancy the pregnant mother’s body needs more nutrients, it can be said that most pregnant mothers will gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, and the bigger the foetus is, the fatter the pregnant mother will be.
However, some pregnant mothers in order to maintain their figure, will deliberately control the amount of food or exercise to avoid weight gain, in early pregnancy, the foetus is too small can be ignored.
However, in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, if an expectant mother finds that her weight gain is very slow, or even weight loss, she should consider whether the foetus is undernourished.
Inadequate maternal weight gain is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, and low birth weight.
Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the weight management of pregnant women, and pre-pregnancy BMI should be determined at the first obstetric examination to provide individualised guidance on maternal weight gain, diet and exercise.
According to Chi Yimbang et al, the risk of preterm birth is 2.77 times higher in low weight pregnant women with insufficient weight gain during pregnancy than in normal weight pregnant women.
Pre-pregnancy underweight is also associated with insufficient weight gain during pregnancy, so the earliest prevention of foetal malnutrition can begin with pregnancy preparation.
04 Ultrasound Fetal Indicators Gap with Gestational Weeks
In the ultrasound examination in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, the doctor will give a lot of fetal data, such as biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference, femur length, head and hip length, etc., which are closely related to the gestational week of the fetus.
If the data of the foetus is seriously inconsistent with the gestational week, and there are several cases smaller than the gestational week, it may suggest that the foetus is malnourished, so we must pay close attention to all the data of the ultrasound during pregnancy.
Later on, two-parameter prediction methods have been used, such as biparietal diameter + abdominal circumference, head circumference + abdominal circumference, abdominal circumference + femur length, and femur length + thigh cross-sectional area.

However, they were all abandoned for various reasons, mainly because of the relatively large errors.
Then came the multi-parameter assessment method, which is the mainstream method currently used in many hospitals, allowing multiple parameters to complement each other and make up for some of the shortcomings of single and dual parameters.
In addition, three-dimensional ultrasound is now found to be more accurate than two-dimensional ultrasound in the estimation of fetal weight, but due to the complexity and time-consuming operation, it is not the mainstream at present, but it is expected that it can become the main method of fetal weight estimation in the future.
In conclusion, sisters must pay attention to the ultrasound list in the middle and late stages of pregnancy, which may hide key information about the nutrition of the foetus, and if there is a large gap with the gestational week, you must take the initiative to consult the doctor and take active treatment measures.
Don’t think that if you don’t have to worry about food and drink now, you won’t suffer from malnutrition. More often than not, malnutrition is caused by an irrational diet during pregnancy, as well as complications during pregnancy, and nutritional deficiencies due to too little food are very rare.
In addition, do not think that only insufficient nutrition during pregnancy can cause foetal malnutrition, excessive weight gain during pregnancy, pregnant women are too obese, can also cause foetal nutritional deficiencies, please sisters must not be ignored.
280 days of pregnancy, the relationship between the foetus’s life health, please sisters must pay attention to nutrition during pregnancy, to the child’s body to lay a healthy foundation.